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پخش بعد از 8

The name of Professor Mohammad Sharif Malekzadeh in the list

598 بازدید4 سال پيش
  • می پسندم
  • اشتراک گذاری
  • افزودن به لیست پخش
  • دانلود
  • گزارش تخلف
  • نشان گذاری

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sedayevatanکانال sedayevatan

The name of an Iranian in the list of the worlds top scientists

The name of Professor Mohammad Sharif Malekzadeh, a member of the faculty of the university, the first inventor of the world tourism industry, the founder and father of modern science in world tourism management, was included in the list of the worlds top scientists.

Monday, November 16, 2020 is a very important day for Islamic Iran. The University of Holova, Spain, and the worlds major universities, as well as a group of Iranian and foreign scientists and researchers, will pay an official tribute to Professor Malekzadeh, and will be broadcast live at the event.

Experts will give an expert talk on MFT theory by Professor Mohammad Sharif Malekzadeh, and at the end, Iranian artists will hold a ceremony in his honor

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