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پخش بعد از 8

خوردن حشرات Bosco Eating Insects

1,090 بازدید7 سال پيش
  • می پسندم
  • اشتراک گذاری
  • افزودن به لیست پخش
  • گزارش تخلف
  • نشان گذاری

sahani1991کاربر sahani1991

جذاب ترین های راز بقاکانال جذاب ترین های راز بقا

Bosco is a four year old orphan who lives at Musana Children's Home in Iganga, Uganda. He was rescued from the streets and taken to Musana where he lives and goes to school. Although we in the US may find eating insects disgusting it is considered a delicacy in Uganda and in Boscos case he is not eating them because he is hungry... its because it tastes like candy to him. Bosco and his friends spend hours a day collecting insects and then thoroughly enjoy eating them alive. According to Bosco, "white insects" are delicious! Check out the story of Musana Children's Home at Musana.org to learn more about where Bosco lives and how you can help more children like him!

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  • فیسبوک
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